The Lineage of

Ken Zen Ichii Karate

Soke Dwight Childress GENESIS:

   The Soil - Gichin Funakoshi - As a young boy Grichin Funakoshi studied various Okinawa martial arts styles. In a series of demonstrations from 1917 - 1922 he introduced Japan to the art of karate. He would later move to Japan to promote and advance the art that would later be named Shotokan. He is now often refered to as "The Father of Karate."

   The Root - Hironori Ohtsuka - Originaly a student of Shindo Yoshin Ryu Jujitsu, Hironori Ohtsuka would later become a direct student of Gichin Funakoshi. In 1926 he founded the Wado-Ryu Ju-jitsu system.

   The Trunk - Arthur Beverford - Originaly a student of Hironori Ohtsuka's Wado Ryu karate during his time in Japan. Arthur Beverford founded the Ken Zen Ichii Karate system in the mid 1960's.

   One Branch - Orlando Centeno - Studied directly under Arthur Beverford and received instruction in both Wado Ryu and Ken Zen Ichii karate. It was Orlando Centeno who introduced and trained Dwight Childress in the arts of Wado Ryu and Ken Zen Ichii.

   The Fruit - Dwight Childress - Innovator, and current head of the BSR branch of Ken Zen Ichii karate in North America, Soke Childress has internalized and propagated Ken Zen Ichii to the following and current Seed:

1. John Dugger
31. Loren Bellamy
61. Chris Bennett
91. Danielle Johnson
2. Dallas Picket
32. Dwayne McLinton
62. Joseph Barber
92. Brendan Long
3. Dazell Green
33. Alex Pelish
63. Antoinette Montgomery
93. Maxie  Grimmett
4. James Deyo
34. Michael Williams
64. Sue LaFond
94. Steven Puchkoff
5. Leroy Hancock
35. Marshal Shamsiddeen (Shihan)
65. Muhammad Shamsiddeen (Shihan)
95. David Puchkoff
6. Chester Stone
36. Abeer Mahal Jweinat
66. Palo Childress
96. Anthony Scott
7. Norman Tillery (Hanshi)
37. Vernon Bradshaw
67. Nigel Edwards
97. Nicholas Dilorenzo
8. Larry Williams
38. Johnnie Howard
68. John Casisa (Shihan)
98. Lydia Frances
9. Jack Johnson
39. Lindsey Nicholson
69. Anthony Little
99. Kevin Jacobs
10. David Arnold (Hanshi)
40. George Watts
70. Loren Gray
100. Joyce Long
11. Ronnie James
41. Suspended Indefinitely
71. Joseph Liggera Sr.
101. Thaje Jeanty
12. Ronnie Nelson (Hanshi)        
42. Gloria Baker (Shihan)
72. Tim Wessleman
102. Makayla Long
13. Antonio Culbreth
43. Al Short
73. Trenton Bullock
103. Dakota Swanson
14. Wali Bomani (Shihan)
44. Michelle Caraway
74. Clive Wilson
104. Alex Onghena
15. Teddy Clark
45. Harry Parker
75. Debbie Wilkinson
105. Georgie Super
16. Ricky Anderson
46. Sequane Lee
76. Chris Kelly (Shihan)
106. Dejan Bellamy
17. Thomas Skovan
47. Jennifer Underwood
77. Amur El
107. Christopher Faris
18. Ron Ling (Hanshi)
48. Hoang Nhat Le
78. Joshua Ziolkowski
108. Demi Bozas
19. Gerald Dyer
49. Vincent Montgomery (Kyoshi)
79. Joey Brown
109. David Wallach
20. Mack Lewis
50. Anthony Scott Dellinger (Hanshi)
80. Joba Bryant
110. Amanda Faris
21. Donald Smith
51. Adam Vonolhausen
81. Eric Calvert
111. Pierson Biscegia
22. James Smith
52. Anthony Leary (Hanshi)
82. Jake Carpenter
112.  Jacob Moore
23. Emanuel Thomas
53. Todd Langdon
83. Scott Tomlinson
113. Ricky Hyland
24. Nazzeeh Shabazz
54. Nathan Brown (Hanshi)
84.  Isaiah Keller
114. Trevon Ling
25. Leslie Clark
55. Marc Zeller
85. Omar Bennerman
115. Haywood Lyons
26. Brian Smith
56. Chad Adams
86. Rachel Puchkoff
116. David DeSilva
27. Gail Wilson (Shihan)
57. Michael Calabrase (Shihan)
87. Victoria Santos
117. Bob Grail
28. Cortland James
58. Myra Catala
88.  Juanita Puchkoff

29. Larry Lee
59. Paris Childress (Hanshi)
89. JJ Liggera

30. Rene Otero (Salim Muhammad)
60. Steven Kalinoski
90. Jenne Pacheco

With deep gratitude, Soke Childress acknowledges the influence of Mahn Suh Parks, his first Instructor. From Mahn Suh Parks, we learned "To live in the valley."